2025's Apple Blossom Festival
May 9th & 10th
Queen Arline Keys and Princesses Laura Wise, Lorene Thrash, and Princess Chelan Jessie Balcom presided over the festival. Queen Arlene was crowned by Dr. D. W. Dewar.

Queen Raynell Wise and Princesses Stella Fels and Eleanor Campbell presided over the festival. The queen was selected by the Manson High School Student Body. Queen Raynell was crowned by Ed Ferguson. She rode in the Wenatchee Parade in the rumble seat of a 1929 Ford convertible. The day’s events started with the coronation and ended with an evening dance.
Queen Elizabeth Robson and Princesses Alice Brandon and Helen Adams presided over the festival. The trumpeter was D. B. Ward, Jr., Crown bearer was Mae Taylor and Marian Picket was the flower girl. Queen Elizabeth was crowned by Benton Bangs who dropped the crown as he was placing it on her head. Due to the depression, the Manson’s royal court made their own dresses in their high school sewing class. The day’s events included a basket lunch at noon, the coronation at 1:30 with M. E. Field as the coronation speaker, entertainment was a May Pole Dance, a piano solo by Bob Evans and a Ladies trio featuring Mrs. D. B. Ward, Mrs. R. M. Pickett, and Mrs. Ben Peters.
Queen Hellin Corbin and Princesses Mary Schwenck, Roberta Goldsmith and Princess Chelan Arita Odgen presided over the festival. The trumpeter was Freddie Enslow and the flower girls were Marian Pickett, Dorothy Davis, Barbara Peterson, Mildred Butterbaugh, and Betty Jean Blair. The day’s events included a picnic lunch with the Manson Military Band playing followed by an afternoon coronation with Wenatchee Chamber President Harry Whitman as the speaker, entertainment was provided by the Manson and Chelan schools, Yacht Club racing in the Manson Bay, a baseball game between Artie Garton’s Junior League and the Brewster Junior League at the Wapato Point diamond with a dance in the evening.
Queen Betty Morris and Princess Effie Fisk and Chelan Princess Marian Bridgham presided over the festival.

Queen Fern Murray and Princess Helen Bumgarner and Chelan Princess Margaret Ramharter presided over the festival. The crown bearer was Tony Enslow and the junior court include three boys and nine girls. The day’s events included an afternoon coronation followed by an evening program with the Grand March and a dance.

Queen Edna Wise and Princess Dorthy Reaugh and Chelan Princess Eleanor Davis presided over the festival. The crown bearer was Nadine McClellan, the trumpeter was Dick Finley and the flower girls and boys were Ronald Fellers, Mynita Horky, Patsy Davis, Phyllis Danilson Carolyn Legg, Marjorie Morehead, Beryl Buchanan, Ardith Steele, Barbara McDaniels, Jack Ward, and Janet Fellers.

Queen Evelyn Stephens, Princesses Faye Bellows, Alice Jean Morehead, Florence Pittman, and Chelan Princess Phyllis Post presided over the festival. The trumpeter was Clair Douglas Phelps. The day’s events included an afternoon coronation with entertainment provided by Walter Schoegel’s string orchestra, a vocal solo by Mrs. D. B. Ward. The evening program entertainment was provided by the Lake Chelan band. The Manson Community orchestra led by Floyd Detering played intermission music for the “Lazy Town” operetta performed by Manson school children.

Queen Alta Overbay, Princess Lyla Peck, and Chelan Princess Ruth Eskilson presided over the festival. The flower girls and boys were Ronnie Smith, Lanny Smith, Carolyn Smith, Carolyn Alice Fort, and Lynne Peck. The Manson escorts were John McLeod and Troy Clapp. The day’s events were a Chicken Noodle Picnic Dinner, an afternoon program at the Manson Hall and evening program where Queen Alta was crowned by Lake Chelan Chamber President Joe Stone. The festival once again ended with an evening dance.
Queen Bertha Wise, Princess Illa Frantz, and Chelan Princess Virginia Smith presided over the festival. The flower girls were Irene Gordon, Judy Clopper, Corolla Riker, Janice Kay West, Jo-Ann Mogan, Sandra Hubbard, and Mae Petersen. The escorts were Harold Cozart, Eugen Jensen, and Troy Clapp. The day’s events were a Chicken Noodle Dinner, an afternoon coronation, a baseball game at Wapato Point and evening program and the Grand March before the start of the evening dance at the Community Hall.
