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The first Manson Apple Blossom Festival was held on Wednesday, May 11, 1921. The first royalty queen of the festival was Ruby Phelps in 1928. 1947's Manson Apple Blossom Festival was special for two main reasons. The Festival was moved to Saturday and the first parade was held that year. The parade route was uphill, from west to east. The first Manson Apple Blossom Festival button was added in 1949. Many buttons were ordered and the extra buttons were used the following year. The date 1950 was printed over the previous year's date with fingernail polish.


There were three Bennett women (Edna Bennett, Nita Bennett, Susi Bennett) who created the first crowns for the royalties starting in 1948. The only outdoor coronation was held in 1949. The coronation robe was added in 1960 for Queen Jeanine Ferree. Picnic and Basket lunches were served until 1938 when the chicken noodle dinner was added, yet in 1969 and 1970  fried chicken box lunches were served. The Lake Chelan Fortnightly Club began honoring the Royalty in 1970. In 1973, Edna Bennett made a permanent crown and scepter, with personal tiaras for the Queen and Princesses which The Apple Blossom Committee kept.The Edible Apple Contest began in 1980 in which Jama England was the first chairperson. In 1985, the Royal Court had a Queen and seven Princesses. Two queens were ill during their reigns. Barbara Fort had the mumps in 1943 and Pam Blessin had the measles in 1973.

Check out the Past Royalty Page for information on all of the Royalty from 1921 to present as well as information on events that took place.

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