2025's Apple Blossom Festival
May 9th & 10th
Queen Pearl Felker, Princess Elsie Campbell, and Chelan Princess Elmyra Powell presided over the festival. The day’s events began with a Chicken Noodle Dinner at noon, followed at 2 p.m. with the coronation where Queen Pearl was crowned by Lake Chelan Chamber President L. E. Radley and featured a Maypole dance, at 3:45 p.m. the annual baseball game started. At 7 p.m. at the high school, there was an evening operetta of “In an Old Kentucky Garden”. The evening activities ended with the Apple Blossom Ball at 9 p.m.
Queen Lois DeWalt, Princesses Geraldine Waite, and Nila Fort presided over the festival. The escorts were Floyd Lewman, Floyd Peterson, and Harold Pittman. The mothers of the senior girls constructed and decorated the float. The day’s events began with a Chicken Noodle Dinner at noon, followed at 2 p.m. with the coronation where Queen Lois was crowned by Harry Wall and featured a Maypole dance by the third-grade girls, at 3:30 p.m. the annual baseball game started. That evening there was an operetta followed by the Apple Blossom Ball at 9 p.m with music by the Stardusters. Admission to the dance was 50 cents with ladies free.
Queen Ester Erickson, Princess Dorothy Arbaugh, and Chelan Princess Charlotte McCormack presided over the festival. With the beginning of World War II, the festival centered around a patriotic theme. The Community Hall was decorated in red, white and blue streamers, and the queen’s throne had a large blue chair with a big red V behind it. A group of high school girls formed an arch for the Royal party.
Queen Barbara Fort, Princesses Ethel Pittman, Glenna Fae De Walt, and Lavon Lillard. All the royalty had mumps on the day of the festival and Sandra Hubbard was asked to be queen by Proxy. She was escorted by Lanny Smith. Mrs. Hood made Queen Barbara’s crown. The day’s events began at 2 p.m. with the coronation at the Community Hall where Proxy Queen Sandra was crowned by Senator Harry Wall and the Master of Ceremonies was Chamber President Art Garton. Music for the evening dance was provided by Carl Wicksell’s four-piece orchestra.
Queen Alice Marie Phelps, Princesses Corinne Fort, Evelyn Pittman, and Eunice Spray and Chelan Princess Jessie McMonagle presided over the festival. Buglers were twins Gary and Larry Harn and the crown and scepter bearers were twins Ruthella and Rosella Phelps who were cousins of the queen. The stage for the coronation was beautifully decorated in pastel colors with apple trees in the background. The princesses were dressed in pastel shades and the Queen in white.
Queen Alice Clopper, Princesses Beverly Loundenback, Phyliss Marshall, and Chelan Princess Jane Beckman presided over the festival. The royalty escorts were Evan Griffith, Lell Phelps, Sander Sorenson, and Tom Vernon. The coronation was held at Wapato Point as well as the Apple Blossom Ball. The Crown and Sceptre Bearers were Nancy Debar and Connie McClellan and the bugle boys were Larry and Gary Harn. Queen Alice’s crown was made by Mrs. Loudenback. Festival events were reduced because of World War II.
Queen Barbara Petersen, Princesses Janet Pittman, Helen Griffith, Chelan Princess Geraldine Knowles, and Beebe Princess Shirley Templin presided over the festival. The royalty escorts were Dale Armbruster, Lell Phelps, and Evan Griffith. The Junior girls were Patty Sue McLallan, Jean Gray and Florence Smith. The Crown bearer was Betty Ashmun, Sceptre Bearer was Dibs Smith, Train Bearers were Sharon Kolste and Jane Lee Williams, the flower girl was Corinne Little and the trumpeters were Norman Adams and Gary Miller. Ladies in waiting were Charlotte Roe, Virginia Chandler, Lois Bell, and Mary Butterbaugh and the color bearers were Pat Crowe and Lanny Bumgarner. This was one of Manson’s happy festivals – World War II was over! There was the annual Chicken Noodle Dinner at noon followed by the afternoon coronation at the Community Hall at 2 p.m. where Queen Barbara was crowned by State Superintendent of School, Pearl Wannamaker. 3:30 p.m. was the baseball game Manson vs Entiat and the day's festivities ended with the Grand March and Apple Blossom Ball with over 500 in attendance.
Queen Jean Gray, Princesses Patty Sue McLallan, Gwen Finley, Chelan princess Joanne Rogers, Beebe Princess Helen Shaw and Lakeside princess Kathleen Kingman presided over the festival. The royalty escorts were Lell Phelps, Ed Armbruster, and Dale Peterson. Heralds were Charles Ashmun and Steve McFadden, Flower girls were Carol Longston, Mary Stazel, and Roslie Stutzman. This was the first festival to be held on a Saturday rather than a Friday. It was also the first festival to have a parade which began at Manson Bay Park and came up the main street. There were more than 40 floats, several bands, show horses and decorated bicycles. There were princess floats from Pateros, Twisp, Winthrop, Brewster, Entiat, and Chelan. The parade began at 10 a.m. followed by the chicken noodle dinner at 11:30 a.m., the afternoon coronation at 1:45 where Queen Jean was crowed by Senator Harry Wall. There was a scenic project tour at 3:00 and the annual baseball game at 3:30. This year there was an evening dinner at 5:00 followed by the Grand March and Apple Blossom Ball at 7:30.
Queen Marjorie Bennett’s Royal Court consisted of Princesses Dorothy Eddings, and Marilyn Tinkey, Princess Chelan Jackie O’Toole, Princess Beebe Claire Leyda, Princess Lakeside Ruth Ann Gaukroger. The Crown bearer was Larry Swihart and the Scepter Bearer was Sharon Kae Kolste, Trainbearer was Roxie Overbay and Dina Peterson, Flower Girls were Cynthia Roskelley and Karen Warehouse, Trumpeters were Max Hand and Michael Edmonds. The royalty was once again selected by the Manson High School student body. Queen Marjorie’s crown was made by her mother Edna Bennett. The day’s event consisted of the parade, the chicken noodle dinner at the Community Hall, the afternoon coronation where Queen Marjorie was crowed by Rufus Woods of the Wenatchee Daily World, the annual baseball game, and evening dinner and concert and finally the evening program, Grand March and Queen’s Ball.

Queen Raynell Kutil II, Princesses Frankie Hobson, and Ruth White and Princess Chelan Geraldine Garton. The Crown bearer was Howard Bumgardner, Sceptre Bearer was Judy McKenzie, Train Bearers were Sharon Swihart and Camille Glessner, Flower Girls were Patsy Huling and Vicki Staples. The Trumpeters were Grover Paul Collins and Jerry Bragg. This was the first year there was an Apple Blossom Button and the coronation was held outside at the Manson School playfield. The parade began at 10 a.m., followed by the Chicken Noodle Dinner at 11:30, the afternoon coronation at 2 p.m. where Queen Raynell was crowned by Jack Rogers, State Director of Conservation and Development, the baseball game began at 3:00. The evening events began at 5:00 p.m with a dinner and concert followed by the evening program and the Grand March and Queen’s ball at 9:30.