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“Ruby Anniversary” is the theme for this year’s festival.   Queen Jeanine Ferree, Princesses Linda Kaylor, and Nyla Kamphaus, Chelan Princess Evelyn Schultz, presided over this year’s festival.  The escorts were Richard Uhlhorn, Dennis Smith, and George Tackett.  This year’s Junior Court consisted of Harold Carpenter, Larry Guys, Alan Hortin,  John Keyes,  Janet Baker, Gayle Tackett, Diane Trent, and Beth Ott.  Because this was the 40th anniversary of the festival there was a display of previous queen’s gowns, crowns, scepters, costumes, and pictures.  This was the first year that there was a ‘ruby red’ velvet robe for the queen.  It was made by the queen’s aunt, Oral Dewalt.  This was also the first time there were 2 Manson bands in the parade, the high school, and the “new” elementary band.  It was the first time that the Manson float attended the Spokane Lilac Festival.   The parade began under rainy skys promptly at 10 a.m. followed by the chicken noodle dinner at the Community Hall.  The afternoon activities began with the Coronation at 2 p.m. where Queen Jeanine was crowned by Ruby Brown who was the first queen of the festival.  The day’s events ended with the evening dinner at the Community Hall, the evening program at the Guy Campbell Gym and the Grand March and Queen’s Ball.

1960 Button


The theme for this year’s festival was “April Showers”. Queen Karen Baker, Princesses Karen Whitney, and Deanna Debar, Chelan Princess Mary Ann Mattson presided over this year’s festival.  The escorts were Dick Clements, Bucky Griffith, and Coy Tackett.  This year’s Junior Court consisted of Danny Bedient, Mark Milliette, Tom Koenig, Len England, Terry Schoolcraft, Kelly Ingram, Barbara Burns, Linda Schoolcraft, Linda Johnson, Lisa Pittman, Gerri Schoolcraft, and Teresa Marshall.  Once again, the parade started at 10 a.m. followed by the chicken noodle dinner at 11:30 a.m., the afternoon coronation was at 2 p.m. where Queen Karen was crowned by Senator Jerry Hanna.  Coronation entertainment  was a tap dance performed by Debbie Griffith, Midge Lang, Kerry Stevens, and Christy Morehead, all dressed as cowgirls.  Instead of a baseball game this year there was a track meet.  There was a variety program that evening at 7:30 p.m. followed by the Grand March and Queen’s Ball at 9 p.m.

1961 Button
Karen Baker


The theme for this year’s festival was “Rhapsody in Pink”. Queen Linda Killian, Princesses Patsy Huling, and Virginia Parr, Chelan Princess Carolyn Cozart presided over this year’s festival.  The escorts were Jack Robson, Roger Robinson, and Darrel Lewman.  This year’s flower girls were Laura Venneberg, Melody Nichols, Lori Williams, Debby Suttles, Celeste Stutzman, Donna Cooper, and Danita Sargo.  The Queen’s Courtiers were Ronald Baker, Danny Weaver Merrill Milliette, Jim Russell, Gordon Gibson, Brad Franz, Dale England, Jerry McClellan, and Bill Cooper.  Mrs. Ann Kaylor designed and made the royalty gowns.  The Chaperones taught the royalty court the latest dance step – the twist for the Queen’s Ball.  Ed Finch also taught the Grand March which he has done for the past 19 years.  The festival began with the annual parade through downtown Manson followed once again by the chicken noodle dinner, There was a performance by the Highland Pony Club at the Lanny Smith Field. This was followed by a track meet.  There was an evening program which included the Grand March and the Queen’s Ball.

1962 Button


“Portrait of Blossoms” was chosen as this year’s festival theme.  Queen Kay Clements, Princesses Doreen Kaylor, and Dina Peterson, and Chelan Princess B. J. Wild presided over the festival this year.  The escorts were Eddie Hayes, Jack Fry, Jerry Bragg.  Ladies in waiting were Judy McKenzie, Linda Oliver, Louise Tackett, Janet Gores, Pat Lowther, Darlene Barret, Vicki Corcoran, and Eileen Gruenberg.  The queen’s escorts were Lanny Blessin, Fred Schwader, Richard Fisher and Mark Gores. The queen’s flower girls were Debby Sutterfield, Kay Urness, Sheila Keys, Priscilla Nickell, Julie Hahn, and Rosanne Cochran.  The trainbearers and trumpeters were Craig Stevens, Jean Cabbage, Lanny Bedient, Jimmy Baker, and Bobby Carleton.  This was the first year the Coronation was held on Friday night, so the Queen would be crowned at the beginning of the festival rather than after the parade and chicken noodle dinner.  Friday night Queen Kay was crowned by 1962 Queen Linda Killian.  Saturday started the festivities with the Grand Parade at 10 a.m., the chicken noodle dinner at 11:30 at the Community Hall after which there was a track meet.  The festival ended with an evening program, the Grand March and the Queen’s Ball.

Kay Clements
1963 Button


This year’s theme was “Blue Skies & Apple Blossoms” Queen Jackie Crowder, Princesses Karen Sorenson and Lucinda Carpenter, and Chelan Princess Sharon Clover presided over the festival.   The Queen and Princesses escorts were Fritz Griffith, Danny Trent, and Mike McClellan.  The ladies in waiting were Nancy Hibbard, Gloria Morrow, Iola Christensen, Cheryl Young, Pearl Killian, and Beverly Meredith.  Trumpeters and Train Bearers were Conrad Detering, Randy Schoolcraft, Mitchell Milliette, Barry Wise, Kim Debar, and Terry Cooper.  Flower girls were Beckie Phillips, Teresa Carleton, Cindy Barkley, Reseda Dryden, Marsha Debar, Susan Klapstein Diane Averill, Charlotte Keys, Joni Russell, Patsy Trent, and Terrie Venneberg.  The festival began again on Friday night where Queen Jackie was crowned by 1963 Queen Kay Clements.  The Friday night festivities ended with a Teen Dance at the Grange Hall. The parade began Saturday morning at 10 a.m. followed once again by the chicken noodle dinner, a track meet at 12:30.  There was a model airplane exhibit and evening program and once again the evening ended with the Grand March and the Queen’s Ball.

1964 Button
Jackie Croweder


The theme for this year’s festival was “Beauty in Blossom”.  Queen Patty Harms, Princesses Gail Peterson, Merrie Ward, and Chelan Princess Renee Sandum presided over the weekend festivities.  Escorts this year were Fritz Griffith, Carl Davis, and Jim Gilbert.  There were 14 flower girls this year and they were Bobby Ann Peterson, Cathy Schwader, Shelly Finnegan, Cathy Koenig, Penny Whittle, Kim Campbell, Adrianne Fischer, Nita Angerhofer, Barbara Dexter, Shannon Templin, Wendy Urness, Lisa Ward, Debbie Bedient, and Myra Trent.  To go along with the 14 flower girls there were 11 junior court boys, Ricky Cooper, Jimmy Daley, Arnold Baker, Jeff Hortin, Ray Younkin, Scott Morehead, Randy Baker, Doyle Cooper, Wade Jeffries, Mike Sherman, and Fritz Moll.  The festival began Friday night with the coronation where Queen Patty was crowned by 1964 Queen Jackie Crowder.  Saturday was the Grand Parade, with the annual chicken noodle dinner afterwards, followed once again by a track meet at 12:30.  The festival concluded with and evening program, the Grand March and the Queen’s Ball.

Patty Harms
1965 Button


“Symphony of Spring” was chosen as this year’s festival theme.  Queen Suzanne Woods, Princesses Vicki Armbruster, Linda Crowder, and Chelan Princess Jeanne Pomeroy presided over the weekend festival.  Escorts were Jim Gilbert, Herold Peebles, and Marvin Jeffries.  Ladies in Waiting were Janice Courtway, Susie Weaver, Noreen Warehouse, Pam Barkley Mary Lou Gores, Rachel Venneberg, Carolyn Miller, Jeanine Skeen, Nancy Smith, Maxine Tackett, Jenice Morrow, Ramona Debar, and Sharon Nold.   In the junior court were Jay Batchelor, Steven Davis, Brett Pittman, Jeff Skeen, and Marty Cochran.  The flower girls were Susie Lang, Cindy Hubbard, Patty Griffith, Cindy Whittle, Kathy Sikes, Lisa Schoolcraft.  Queen Suzanne was crowned Friday night by Congressman Tom Foley.  The Grand March and Queen’s Ball were held on Friday night.  Saturday began with the Grand Parade, the chicken noodle dinner, a track meet, evening program and finally a teen dance.

Suzanne Woods
1966 Button


The festival theme this year was “Reflections of Spring”.  Queen Sue Holliday, Princesses Linda Burns, Susan Clements, and Chelan Virginia Carpenter presided over the festival.  The Manson Royalty escorts were Gene Whitney, Bob Gruenberg, and Tom Keeney. Ladies in Waiting were Joanna Debar, Linda Avery, Beverly Peters, Eileen Killian, Linda Keeney, Linna Baker, Ronda Dauncey and Sandra Stutzman. The Crown Bearer was Jill Holiday, The Scepter Bearer was Mike Burns.  The Flower Girls were Cathy Detering, Kim Sikes, Bernita Dietrich, Rachelle Plummer, Oraleen Meridith, Patricia Daley, Bobbi Fisher, Linda Posey, Ruth Ann Sleeth, Kelly Sutterfield, Gi Gi Sylte, Carol Trent, Holly Hahn, Leigh Templin, Jill Holliday, and Heather Urness. The Trumpeters were Rodney Hubbard, Keven Dover, Eddie Davis, Steven Angerhofer, James McClellan, and Barry Brown.  Festivities included the Friday night coronation, the Grand Parade on Saturday where it hailed, the chicken noodle dinner, a baseball game and evening program and the Grand March and Queen’s Ball rounded out the day’s events.

Sue Holliday
1967 Button


“Blossomland Big Top” was this year’s theme.  Queen Irene Goss, Princesses Kay Batch, Beckie Griffith, and Chelan Princess Barbara Griffiths presided over the festival.   Escorts wee Melvin Steele, Dave Keeney, and Roger Fuson.    Ladies in Waiting were Barbara Bonwell, Shelley Brown, Trudy Keeney, LaRita Warehouse, Roberta Morse, Charlene Postlewait, Karen Starr, Andrea Parr, Debbie Barnett, Patsy Baysinger, and Lynette Campbell. The Junior Court girls were Marnita Batchelor, Carol Postlewaite, Elizabeth Detering, Rene Mullen, Liz Martin, Kim Hubbard, Susan Miller, Margo King, Kelly Brown, and Teresa Posey.  The Junior Courtiers were Jim Cook, Joe Gillock, Wayne Beatty, Leslie Dietrich, Mike Detering, Troy Dial, Kevin Venneberg, Mike Yacinich, and Todd Pittman.  All the festival events this year were on Saturday. This year it began with the Grand Parade followed by the chicken noodle dinner, a community play day, and an afternoon coronation where Queen Irene was crowned by 1967 Queen Sue Holliday.  Once again there was an evening program at the High School Gym at 7:30 followed by at 9 p.m. by the Grand March and Queen’s Ball.

1968 Button
Irene Goss


This year’s festival theme was “49’ers” in honor of this being the 49th Manson Apple Blossom Festival.  Queen Nancy Davis, Princesses Karen Armbruster, Mary England, and Chelan Princess Connie Mellor presided over the festival.  Escorts were Dennis Ingram, Chet Christensen, and Greg Howell.  Ladies in waiting were Marilyn Aultman, Gretchen Starr, Cheryl New, Camille Schmitten, La Faye Fuson and Candy Debar.  Junior Princesses were Julie Gregory, Jeannette Sikes, Sandra Dillard, Christine Stevens, Lisa Simmons, Jenifer Detering, Kathryn Miller, Joyce Collins, Lynda Harding, and Angela Keys.  Junior Courtiers were Darrel Smith, Terry Cooper, Scott Holstein, Earl Griffith, Johhny Pitts, Charles Baker, Matthew Schwader, Shawn Smith and Randy Rogers. As this was the “Forty-Niners” festival, the men in the community had a beard-growing contest and instead of the annual chicken noodle dinner an old fashioned “Box Lunch” was held.  The Grand Parade started the festivities on Saturday followed by chicken box lunch a playday and evening pageant and the Queen’s Ball

Nancy Davis
1969 Button
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