2025's Apple Blossom Festival
May 9th & 10th
For the 50th Festival, the theme chosen was “Mardi Gras”. Queen Margaret Burns, Princesses Mary Jo Goss, Rita Edwards, and Chelan Princess Betsy Schmitten presided over the festival. Escorts were Bill Ott, J. T. Tackitt, and Lonnie Stutzman. Ladies in Waiting were Debbie Horton, Jane Kamphaus, Molly Keys, Terrie Zamzow, Amanda Tags, Christie Weaver, Janet England, Elvira Younkin, and Cindy Albertson. Junior Courtiers were Kenneth Jones, Geoffrey Brown, Jamie Cooper, Lonnie McClellan, Randy Morrison, and the Junior Princesses were Darla Wilson, Patty Ingram, Julie Martin, Mona Miller, and Tara Sylte. Since this was the 50th anniversary of the festival a Souvenir Booklet with information from the past 50 years was compiled and sold. The Lake Chelan Fortnightly Club sponsored a special “Royalty Tea” for past Apple Blossom Royalty. More than 45 princesses and queens attended. A few snowflakes fell on this year’s Grand Parade. There was once again a chicken noodle dinner following the parade, a girl’s softball game between Dale’s Tavern and the Coronary Clods and a Masquerade Ball in the evening rounded out the day’s events.

“Fly Me to The Moon” is this year’s theme. Queen Christy Morehead, Princess Debbie Griffith, Diana Etheridge and Chelan Princess Janis Polley presided over this year’s festival. Escorts were Doug Ingram, Leonard Schmitten, Andy Krone and Gordy Damskov. The Ladies in Waiting wer Kathy Miller Patricia Griffin, Mary Sorenson, Brenda Burkett, Debbie Kimpel, Karen Jones, Roena Barkley, Terri Ann Postelwaite, Kerry Klapstein and Pat Lewis. Moon Maids and Astronauts were Cindy Dover, Rhonda Freed, Jamie Jones, Denine Crossler, Janelle Griffith, Marsha Howell, Regina Sherman, Lisa Tackitt, Juliana Korsborn Annette Smith and Tiffany Farnsworth. This was the first year the audience was to vote, along with the High School Students and the out-of-town judges. I was also the first auction and Art Show. Friday night the coronation was held as well as a teen dance at the Chelan Masonic Temple. The Grand Parade was Saturday morning, followed by the chicken noodle dinner after the parade. Later that night there was and adult costume ball.

“Visit Too Camelot” is this year’s theme. Queen Pam Bennett, Princess Donna Block, Sharon Meridith, and Chelan Princess Lynda Morehead presided over this year’s festival. Escorts were Jim Phelps, Ray Tackett, Alan Hortin. The Ladies in Waiting were Marla Anderson, Luana Shoemaker, Pam Blessin, Diana Holliday, Gerry Schoolcraft, Barbara Burns, Lisa Pittman, and Marsha Paterson. Royal Maids of Honor were Debbie Carleton, Nola Welch, Gayle Tackett, Beth Ott, Lynn Bartram, Linda Hunt, Leslie Pittman. The Ladies and the Knights of the Court were Linda Barnes, Heidi Urness, Tracy Lynn Baker, Anita Massey, Gay Sikes, Tracey Brown, Nina Pace, Michelle Hubbard, Jeff McClellan, Peter Korsborn, Doug Dietrich, and Rodney Coffman This was the first year the Queen was crowned at the selection event Prior to this, she was crowned festival weekend. It was also the first carnival, Flower Show, and Festival of Arts. Friday night the carnival at the Community Hall as well as the pageant, Garden Club Show, and the Teen Dance. The Grand Parade was Saturday morning, followed by the Carnival, Festival of Arts, chicken noodle dinner, Arts Show, and Garden Club Flower Show. Later that night there was an adult costume ball.

This year’s theme was “Cinderella”. Queen Pam Blessin, Princesses Barbara Burns, Gerry Schoolcraft, Chelan Princess Shelley Wrigley and Chelan Attendants Mary Joe Glasgow and Sheri Harvey presided over this year’s festival. Escorts were Mike Albertson, Tom Koenig, and Brad Hankins. Cinderella’s mice were Jack Baker, Brett LaMar, Tony Sturtz, Steven Davis, Rita Pace, Karen Sue Roark, Stephanie Smith, Jim Harding, Scott Tackitt, Cicely Trent, and Shelly Kent. Maids of Honor were Luana Shoemaker, Lisa Pittman, and Diana Holliday. This year Mrs. Edna Bennett made smaller crowns for the royalty wear on visitations and to keep. She also made a perpetual Queen’s crown and scepter for the Queen to were for formal occasions. This year's float carried the Manson Royalty and well the Chelan Royalty. The Manson High School band sported new blazers for the parade that local women had made for them. The festival events were the Friday night pageant and coronation, the Saturday Grand Parade, Festival of Arts, a carnival, the chicken noodle dinner in the Grange Hall basement, the Republican Women’s Rummage sale, a Tractor Skills Race at the Wapato Point Driving Range and finally the Festival Ball at the Elementary School Multi-purpose room.

The theme this year was “Visit with Bacchus”. Queen Jean Phelps, Princesses Sandy Smith, Shirley Davis, Chelan Princess Priscilla Goodall and Chelan Attendants Stacy Christoph and Coni Ryan presided over the festival events. Royal Maids of Honor were Danita Sargo, Celeste Stutzman and Betty Lay. Escorts were Bill Cooper, Dan Picton, and Mike Woodward. Ladies in Waiting were Rozanne Cochran, Ingrid Carlsen, Kelly McClellan, Brenda Jones, Julie Hahn, Shelle Peterson, and Lynn Lehmer. Grecian Lads and Maidens were Brett Detering, Drew Lewman, Jamie Coggins, Travis Griffin, John Jones, Duane Coggins, Jack Baker, Virgil Shockley, Jeremy Howell, Diana Slover, Diana Massey, Patsy Starks, Teresa Jones, Christene Newman, Tammy Collins, and Linnea Detering. The float again this year carried all 6 Royalty members. Friday, the day of the Grand Parade was quite windy and the float pillars almost blew off as well as the float’s water fountain blew water everywhere. Friday evening there was the pageant and queen’s coronation. The Grand Parade started Saturday’s festivities, which also included a carnival, a performance by Wenatchee’s Washington Elementary School Bavarian Dancers, the chicken noodle dinner, the tractor skill races, and the festival dance in the evening.

“Snow White” was the festival theme this year. Queen Ingrid Carlsen, Princesses Rozanne Cochran, and Kelly McClellan presided over the festival. Escorts were, Lanny Blessin, Jerry McClellan and Sam Phelps. Junior Girls were Susan Klapstein, Terrie Venneberg, Christie Lindert, Charlotte Keys, Cindy Barkley, Jeannie Picken, Joni Russell, Teresa Carleton, Barbara McClellan, and Tammy New. The forest animals were Brooke Steveson, Amy LaMar, Chris Cordell, Dallas Clark, Holli Griffin, Kathleen Korsborn, Jamie Lewman, Britt England, Billy Matteson, Donna Shockley, Eddie Barnes, Tara Hubbard, Matt Lydin, Laura Hill, Meleta Cooper, Donald Pittman, Francisco Sanchez, Rusty McClellan, Frankie Cadenas and Kathie Forney as Snow White. This was the first time in approximately 30 years that Chelan had its own float. The Parade Grand Marshall was 96 years old George “Pop” Barkley. Friday night was the queen’s coronation and Saturday began with the Grand Parade, followed by a Conestoga Wagon Display, the annual chicken noodle dinner, a Renaissance Fair and activities. On Saturday evening there was the pageant and the Queen’s Ball and Grand March.

Being that this was the nation’s bicentennial year, the festival theme was “Hats Off U.S.A.” Queen Jeanie Picken, Princesses Charlotte Keys, and Terrie Venneberg presided over the festival. Their escorts were Morgan Picton, Mike Sherman, and Keith Davis. Trumpeters were Tim Miller and Allen Hair. The Junior Court was April McFarland, Stephanie Short, Gail Coggins, Renee Farnsworth, Ronica Smiddy, Stephanie Baxter, Kamie Goodwin, Julie Gilbert, and the Junior Minutemen were Jamie Trent, Matt Griffith, Brock Smith, Blaine Detering, Richard Williamson, David Brundage, and Andy Finley. Because an old-fashion coronation was wanted on the festival day Queen Jeanie was crowned by 1928 Queen Ruby Phelps Brown on selection night and again during the pageant-coronation. Parade Grand Marshals were Margaret and Louis Wapato. The Grand Parade began the Saturday festivities which was followed by the chicken noodle dinner the afternoon coronation and pageant and a playday. The festival activities end that night with the Grand March and Queen’s Ball.

The theme this year was “Country Is”. Queen Ginger Martin, Princesses Cathy Koenig, Shannon Templin, and Wendy Urness presided over this year’s festival. Royalty Escorts were Scott Smith, Jeff Horton, Arnold Baker, and Ron Reeves. The Junior Court consisted of Ann Sjoland, Ann Bayne, Bobbi Shrader, Laura King, Sherry Slover, Shana Glenn, Jenny Applegate, Jennifer Howell, Melissa Barnett Sheila Allen, Shelby Trent Lorien Boney, and Janice Goodwin. The Little Escorts were David Jeffries, Chad Clark, Randy Reed, and Jeremy Griffith. Train Bearers were Anne Bayne and Virginia Keys. This year’s crowns were again made by Mrs. Edna Bennett with the help of her daughter-in-law Nita Bennett. The Grand Marshals were John and Edna Bennett. Saturday’s events included the Grand Parade, the annual Chicken Noodle Dinner, an Arts and Crafts Fair, an Evening Program which included a community sing-along and the Queen’s Ball and Grand March.

The theme this year was “Do You Remember”.

“Bright and Beautiful” was this year’s festival theme. Queen Leigh Templin, Princesses Wendy Lee and Heather Urness presided over the festival. Escorts were Rod Hubbard, John Mullen, and Nick Glenn. The Arch Bearers were Lori Hubbard, Laura Pruitt, Trisha Allen Sue Young, Susie Miller, Caryn Lee, Cindy Davenport, and Joann Comstock. The Junior Court was Ines Vrenia, Suzanne Joyner, Melissa Hill, Kathy Massey, Jennifer Anderson Lijah Stroscheim, Ali Slover, Sandra Cortez, Sara McFarland, Lara Hansen, Roy Allen, Chris Stotko, Adam Griffith, Jeff Allison, Billy flurry, David Lesmeister, Scott Russell, Steven Jungk,